14 November 2012

Fish Farms

Business opportunities that have bright prospects such as fish farms. Not only is it easy to run, but the high demand and stable prices make it right for you to make a profitable business mainstay. The fish farms sector has been one of the sectors is being developed for the potential welfare. Imagine, this sector contains abundant biological resources that have high economic value. This fact, of course, marine

and fisheries sector is an area of business and at the same time a very promising business opportunities in the country.

In this fishery, you can choose the field of fisheries, aquaculture, fish processing, and other livelihood-related business activities and supporting marine and fish farms. Fish farms is human activities related to the management and utilization of marine biological resources. Aquatic biological resources is not limited strictly and generally includes fish, amphibians and other aquatic invertebrates occupants and adjacent areas, including the environment.

Activities included in the fish farms begins preproduction, production, processing to marketing, which is carried out in a fishing business systems. Thus, the fish farms can be considered an agribusiness.

Generally, fish farms is intended for the purposes of providing food for humans. In addition, another objective of the fishery includes sports, recreation (fishing), and perhaps also for the purpose of making jewelry or take fish oil.

Fish farms are all natural or legal attempt to catch or cultivate (business hatchery, nursery, enlargement) of fish, including the activities of store, freeze or preserve fish for the purpose of creating economic value for the business (commercial / business).

Management of fish resources

Management of fish resources are all efforts including the integrated process of information gathering, analysis, planning, consultation, decision-making, allocation of fish resources, and the implementation and enforcement of legislation in the field of fisheries, which is done by the government or other authorities that directed which aims to fishery resources can be used optimally and achieve sustainability of marine biological resources, productivity continuously.

Fishing Fish Farms

Fishing is an activity that aims to obtain fish in waters that are not in a state with a tool or cultivated in any way, including those who use the vessel for loading, transporting, storing, cooling, processing or preserving. Fisheries working in the field covered by the arrest of fishing activities (capture fishery).

Fish Breeding

Fish breeding is an activity to maintain, raising and / or breeding fish and harvest the results in a controlled environment. Fish farms in the form of fishery production through aquaculture is known as aquaculture or aquaculture (aquaculture).

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